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Updates for September 9, 2022

Introducing Libraries

Workspaces are now Libraries, and paired with Organizations, are now a lot more powerful. A Library is a collection of images in Raster. A Library also contains its own subset of tags and users. You can transfer a Library to another Organization within Raster.

New onboarding flow

We've added a quick Welcome flow in Raster (< 90s).

It guides new users through choosing their display mode, creating their first organization and library, and uploading their first photos.


  • Improved 404 pages, when you don't have access to view a workspace
  • Added ability to change Library URL
  • Two new actions in the command palette: "Switch organization" and "Open Library"
  • Command palette now has separate actions which can be called
  • Fixed layout shift on command palette, which is now faster
Now in Public Beta

Ready to give Raster a try?

Raster is a digital asset manager for modern teams, saving time organizing, editing, and hosting photography.

Thumbnails of four photographs as depicted in Raster